The role of pineal microRNA-325 in regulating circadian rhythms after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brai
Circadian rhythm disorder is a common, but often neglected, consequence of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage (HIBD)......
The role of pineal microRNA-325 in regulating circadian rhythms after neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brai
Circadian rhythm disorder is a common,but often neglected,consequence of neonatal hypoxic-ischemic brain damage(HIBD).Ho......
Oxidative stress and lipid peroxidation products:effect of pinealectomy or exogenous melatonin injec
BACKGROUND:Melatonin (N-acetyl-5-methoxytripta-mine) is a free radical scavenger and a strong antioxidant,secreted by th......
目的论述松果腺及褪黑素与机体衰老的因果关系 ,进而提出衰老的松果腺学说。方法 1 本学说提出的背景 ;2 松果腺学说的实验依据 ......
Developmental stage-specific A-to-I editing pattern in the postnatal pineal gland of pigs(Sus scrofa
Background: RNA editing is a widespread post-transcriptional modification mechanism in mammalian genomes.Although many e......
患者女,48岁,以“头痛6小时”入院。查体:双眼上视受限,余未见明显异常。实验室检查:术前β-HCG〈0.10IU/L,AFP 1.01ng/ml。CT:左侧松......
Aluminum and Glyphosate Can Synergistically Induce Pineal Gland Pathology: Connection to Gut Dysbios
Many neurological diseases, including autism, depression, dementia, anxiety disorder and Parkinson’s disease, are assoc......
Intraparenchymal haemorrhage in a pineal germinoma is a very rare, though clinically significant event. We report the fi......
Protective role of buffalo pineal proteins on arsenic-induced oxidative stress in blood and kidney o
Objective: Exposure to various toxic metals has become an increasingly recognized source of ill- ness in human and anima......
Dorsal midbrain syndrome secondary to pineal gland tumours: case series and review on manifestations
Dorsal midbrain syndrome or Parinaud syndrome is a supranuclear brainstem syndrome involving the vertical gaze centre.Th......
It is unknown if resting sharks can sleep, which is also true for gliding ones. Here, a videotaped bull shark is present......